Dream Interpretation and Symbols: Understanding Mouth, Nose, Hands, and More (2024)

Dream interpretation

  • Mouth
  • Nose
  • Hands
  • Lips
  • Ears
  • Body
  • Head
  • Eyes
  • Face
  • Throat
  • Teeth
  • Fingers
  • Pulse
  • Stomach
  • Hair
  • Nails
  • Feet
  • Arms
  • Heart
  • God
  • Fairy
  • Goddess
  • Angel
  • Prayer
  • Pilgrimage
  • Repentance
  • Sacrifice
  • Deceased
  • Offering
  • Abandonment
  • Elopement
  • Affection
  • Wife
  • Vow
  • Proposal
  • Maiden
  • Kissing
  • Worldly Matters
  • Lightning
  • Gentle Breeze
  • Sunrise
  • Stars
  • Moon
  • Rainbow
  • Thunder
  • Cold Wind
  • Storm
  • Tornado
  • Snow
  • Rain
  • Clouds
  • Full Moon
  • Eclipse
  • Basket
  • Anger
  • Worker
  • Waking Up
  • Young People
  • Hair
  • Voting
  • Weapon
  • Money
  • Underworld
  • Wilderness
  • Beheading
  • Blindness
  • Path
  • Baby
  • Getting Hit
  • Travel


Dreaming of one's own mouth indicates receiving love. Dreaming that one's mouth becomes larger suggests financial losses. Dreaming of burning one's mouth while eating something hot signifies a serious illness. Dreaming of stuffing one's mouth full of food suggests becoming wealthy.


Dreaming of a good-looking nose is a good omen. Dreaming of an ugly nose is a bad sign. Nosebleeds in a dream indicate imminent disaster. Dreaming of a pustule on the tip of the nose suggests a promotion. Dreaming of someone with a big nose indicates a loss of business acumen and disputes with friends. If a woman dreams of a nose injury, her husband's family reputation may suffer. If someone grabs your nose in a dream, it suggests humiliation or servitude. Dreaming of enlarged nostrils suggests a risk of committing fraud. Pain in the nostrils in a dream suggests impending hardship. A pustule in the nostrils in a dream suggests deceit affecting family members. If a horse or cow exhales through its nostrils in a dream, it suggests danger.


Dreaming of hands being chopped off suggests receiving divine help. Dreaming of strong and muscular hands suggests succeeding in one's career. Dreaming that hands become redder than usual suggests good fortune in official career. Dreaming of weak hands turning yellow suggests illness. If a woman dreams of her hands becoming hardened, it indicates a strong personality. Shaking hands with a stranger in a dream suggests making new friends. Dreaming of holding money in both hands suggests becoming rich.


Dreaming of red lips suggests good health and wealth. Dreaming of pale or yellow lips suggests weakness and illness. If a man dreams of red lips on a woman, it suggests deception by women. If a man dreams of white lips on a woman, it suggests fidelity from wife or friend. Dreaming of black lips suggests hard work, fatigue, or illness. Thick lips in a dream suggest being powerless against those who deal with you. Thin lips on a woman in a dream suggest finding love.


Dreaming of ears being cut off suggests orders being carried out. Dreaming of someone else's ears being cut off suggests suffering hardships. Cleaning ears in a dream or having them cleaned by others suggests good news. If someone twists your ears in a dream, it suggests legal repercussions for your crimes. If someone's ears are hairy in a dream, it suggests becoming wealthy.


Dreaming of a burned body is a bad omen, indicating enemies and bedridden status. Dreaming of someone stripping off your clothes suggests an economic crisis. Dreaming of a healthy and strong body is auspicious.


Dreaming of an enlarged head suggests promotion. Dreaming of someone swinging a sword to cut off your head warns to be cautious in words and actions. Eating the meat of an animal whose head has been cut off in a dream suggests becoming wealthy. Washing the head in a dream suggests overcoming sorrow. Looking at one's head in a mirror in a dream suggests auspicious signs and promotion. Holding the head with both hands in a dream suggests receiving frequent good news.


Dreaming of red eyes suggests illness. Dreaming of a woman's eyes sparkling suggests all efforts going to waste. Swollen but painless eyes suggest a happy life without suffering. Dreaming of a woman with black eyeshadow or eye makeup suggests financial loss. If someone winks at you in a dream, it suggests serious illness or even incurable disease.


Dreaming of a beautiful face suggests happiness. Dreaming of an ugly face suggests misfortune. Swollen or redder face than usual suggests wealth and honor. A distorted face in a dream suggests calamity. A pale or waxy yellow face in a dream suggests financial losses.


Dreaming of a sore throat suggests relatives or friends passing away. If a married woman dreams of a sore throat, it suggests unfortunate news from her natal family. A sore or ulcerated throat in a dream suggests gain. If a patient dreams of a sore throat, it suggests prolonged bed rest. If a death row prisoner dreams of a sore throat, it suggests imminent execution. If a traveler dreams of a sore throat, it suggests being robbed during the journey, losing all money.


Dreaming of counting one's teeth suggests being humiliated. Dreaming of counting someone else's teeth suggests victory over enemies. Dreaming of losing one's teeth suggests quarreling with others. If someone dreams of extracting teeth, it suggests buying a house soon. If a woman dreams of extracting teeth, it suggests a prosperous life. If a merchant dreams of extracting teeth, it suggests a lucrative business deal. If a farmer dreams of extracting teeth, it suggests an imminent harvest. Toothache in a dream suggests becoming wealthy.


Dreaming of chopping off one's fingers suggests winning in love affairs. Steam burns on fingers in a dream suggest jealousy towards others. Dreaming of having many fingers suggests welcoming distinguished guests. Dreaming of longer fingers suggests prosperous business. Short fingers suggest financial difficulties. Crooked fingers suggest using corrupt means to embezzle public funds. Bleeding fingers in a dream suggest being deceived of money.


Dreaming of a fast heartbeat suggests good luck. Dreaming of a slow heartbeat suggests misfortune. If a doctor dreams of taking their own pulse, income will decrease. If a doctor dreams of taking his wife's pulse, they will quarrel. If a doctor dreams of taking an enemy's pulse, they will receive help from a friend in times of danger. Dreaming of being a doctor and taking someone else's pulse suggests giving up current work. If a doctor dreams of taking his wife's pulse, they will receive endless love. If a woman dreams of someone taking her pulse, she will face difficulties and hardship due to being expelled and trapped, making any progress difficult. If a dreamer sees an enemy taking their pulse, they will be defeated by the enemy. If a doctor dreams of taking their own pulse, they will be ill. If a patient dreams of a doctor taking their own pulse, they will soon recover from their illness. If a patient dreams of taking their own pulse, they will face difficulties.


Dreaming of a swollen stomach is a sign of wealth. A pregnant woman dreaming of a swollen stomach will give birth soon. An unmarried woman dreaming of a swollen stomach suggests marrying into a wealthy family. A widow dreaming of a swollen stomach suggests impending disaster.


Dreaming of long hair suggests sickness and poverty. Dreaming of someone else's long hair suggests weariness of worldly life and seeking seclusion. Dreaming of white hair suggests sadness and sorrow. Combing hair in a dream suggests a happy and comfortable life. Short hair suggests short-term bad luck. A woman dreaming of long hair suggests marital harmony and long-lasting happiness. A woman dreaming of hair falling or being cut suggests becoming a widow. A woman dreaming of being dragged away by her hair suggests death or leaving her husband due to misfortune.


Dreaming of cutting nails suggests working hard to earn money. Dreaming of long nails suggests enduring hunger. Dreaming of black nails suggests suffering losses. A man dreaming of short nails suggests profitable business. A married woman dreaming of long nails suggests widowhood. A man dreaming of red nails suggests strength and vitality. A patient dreaming of red nails suggests recovering quickly, and yellow or white nails suggest being bedridden and unable to get up. Dreaming of nails covered in dirt suggests embezzlement and heavy losses.


Dreaming of feet being chopped off suggests gaining an official position. A merchant dreaming of growing many feet suggests making money. Dreaming of washing feet suggests greed. Kicking someone else's feet suggests being humiliated. Dreaming of burnt feet suggests suffering significant losses due to a temporary mistake. Swollen feet suggest struggling with debts.


Dreaming of muscular and strong arms suggests achieving success due to one's efforts. Dreaming of diseased or useless arms suggests demotion, falling into difficulties, and financial losses. If a woman dreams of diseased or useless arms, her husband or son will pass away. Dreaming of a broken arm suggests pain and loss. Swollen arms in a dream suggest family and friends benefiting from strangers. Bleeding arms in a dream suggest poverty.


Dreaming of an abnormal heartbeat suggests approaching bad luck, such as being dismissed or bedridden with business losses. Counting heartbeats in a dream suggests leading a dissolute life. Placing one's hand on the chest in a dream suggests impending danger from enemies, risking life. If a woman dreams of an abnormal heartbeat, she may suffer from hooligans and thieves harassing her family. If the heart stops beating in a dream, it foretells disaster. If the dreamer or loved one dies of heart disease, the deceased will live a long life.


Dreaming of God is a sign of success and profit. Dreaming of God holding a sword means enemies will be eliminated. If God holds a trident, uncontrollable anger will bring disaster to the residential area. A married woman dreaming of God smiling indicates she will have a son who will become famous in his youth. Dreaming of being embraced by God suggests a happy life and long life.


If a man dreams of a fairy, he will have good luck. If a maiden dreams of a fairy, she is about to marry. If an unemployed person dreams of a fairy, they will find a job. If a patient dreams of a fairy, their health will recover.


Dreaming of a goddess signifies career success. If a woman dreams of conversing with a goddess, it indicates happiness and a prosperous life. If a goddess angrily reproaches oneself, it is an omen of misfortune, indicating that one's or one's child's body may be injured externally. Dreaming of being embraced by a goddess or having a crown placed on one's head by a goddess indicates rising reputation, fame worldwide, and smooth career advancement. A patient with a chronic illness dreaming of a goddess and lighting incense at a temple is a good omen, indicating recovery. Dreaming of a goddess dropping a weapon signifies engaging in fierce battles with enemies.


Dreaming of conversing with an angel is an ominous sign. If dreaming of a silent angel, good luck will come. Conversing with an angel in a dream signifies death, serious illness, or falling into difficulties. If a maiden sees an angel in a dream, she will marry an ideal wealthy man. Seeing an angel from afar in a dream requires immediate abandonment of all bad deeds; otherwise, great calamity will befall. If a pregnant woman dreams of an angel, she will give birth to an outstanding son who may become a saint, religious leader, or millionaire.


A man dreaming of praying alone to God will lose people's help. If a woman dreams of praying to God, her husband and children will be healthy. A man dreaming of praying with many people will earn social respect. Dreaming of participating in a religious conference or prayer meeting indicates impending illness. If a man dreams of praying with women, his reputation will suffer. If a woman dreams of praying with men, disasters and misfortunes will occur. Not praying to God in a dream signifies family deaths. If dreaming of others praying is auspicious. Teasing someone who is praying in a dream will be harassed by enemies.


A married man dreaming of leaving home for pilgrimage will encounter various worries and difficulties. Unmarried men and women dreaming of pilgrimage will disregard parental advice. Patients dreaming of pilgrimage will have their current nursing treatment canceled. Religious leaders or missionaries dreaming of pilgrimage will face serious threats from atheists. Merchants dreaming of pilgrimage will increase maritime trade. Elderly people dreaming of pilgrimage will soon ascend to heaven. Employees dreaming of pilgrimage implies retirement or dismissal. Dreaming of pilgrimage with wife and children suggests moving or changing jobs. Returning from pilgrimage in a dream indicates facing difficulties ahead. A journalist dreaming of pilgrimage will be accused of violating national news laws and sentenced to long-term imprisonment. A widow dreaming of pilgrimage will dedicate herself to religious work.


Dreaming of penance for atonement will have different consequences due to individual differences. Different classes of people repenting will also have different results. An unmarried man dreaming of penance will marry a beautiful and wise woman. The affectionate wife will comfort him during difficult times. A capitalist or wealthy person dreaming of penance will see a sudden drop in income and may leave their hometown. However, dreaming of penance for poor people indicates prosperity. A person practicing abstinence dreaming of penance may become a national leader benefiting the country or nation with their intelligence and wisdom. An entrepreneur dreaming of penance may be forced to sell goods at reduced prices with minimal profit. A married woman dreaming of penance while her husband and children remain healthy will be delighted and joyful. A patient dreaming of penance will worsen their illness. An employee dreaming of penance will receive praise from their superiors and enjoy a smooth career. A student dreaming of penance will excel in exams and may receive scholarships due to extraordinary talent. Dreaming of others repenting is an ominous sign, causing depression and worries. If someone dies during penance in a dream, it signifies good fortune and a positive turn in life, possibly finding hidden treasure. Dreaming of enemies repenting means always being hostile to oneself. However, if a friend is seen repenting in a dream, help will come from strangers in critical moments. Dreaming of the wife repenting means disaster will come. Arguing with someone who is repenting in a dream means facing strong opponents.


Dreaming of becoming a sacrificial offering for the deity indicates great prestige. If a woman dreams of sacrificing herself to the gods, she will have full control over all household affairs. If dreaming of someone carrying an animal to sacrifice to the gods, it is an ominous sign and predicts calamity. If dreaming of rescuing an animal from the person offering sacrifice indicates physical strength and prosperity. If dreaming of carrying an animal to offer as a sacrifice signifies family destruction and tragedy. If a married woman dreams of holding an animal to offer as a sacrifice, the family will struggle financially. If a patient dreams of being offered as a sacrifice to the gods, they will soon recover. If a prisoner dreams of being sacrificed to the gods, they will be spared from the death penalty.


Dreaming of conversing with the deceased will spread one's fame far and wide. Dining with the deceased in a dream will lead to a long life. Dreaming of embracing the deceased or calling their name indicates one will soon leave this world. A widower dreaming of their deceased wife will marry an educated woman who will assist in their career. A widow dreaming of their deceased husband will uphold chastity and be remembered in history.


Dreaming of offerings suggests unpleasant events. Dreaming of offering sacrifices to the gods will bring continuous happiness. If dreaming of offering sacrifices to the gods with one's wife, life will be happy and everything will go smoothly. If a woman of childbearing age dreams of offering sacrifices to the gods, she will give birth to a handsome son. If a woman with children dreams of offering sacrifices to the gods, her children will be healthy and happy. Unmarried men and women dreaming of offering sacrifices to the gods foretell marriage. This is the most auspicious dream for lovers. If a prisoner dreams of offering sacrifices to the gods, they will be imprisoned for a long time. If a patient dreams of offering sacrifices to the gods, it is a good omen and they will soon recover. If a merchant or shop owner dreams of offering sacrifices to the gods, they will make a fortune.


Dreaming of being abandoned by something of your own will bring gains. For instance, if a husband abandons his wife, it signifies that their love will deepen. Engaged young men and women dreaming of abandoning their beloved signifies an auspicious omen for their upcoming marriage. Dreaming of being abandoned by friends indicates that life will encounter some troubles.


Dreaming of eloping not with one's wife but with another woman predicts trouble. Dreaming of eloping with a lover while traveling abroad suggests falling into the hands of bad people. Dreaming of killing a voter who voted for the opponent during an election indicates that the candidate chosen by the deceased voter will win.


A man dreaming of falling into a woman's affection signifies disaster. Dreaming of loving children suggests worrisome events at home. A young woman dreaming of a man she loves indicates parental opposition to her marriage, causing deep inner worry. Dreaming of loving someone who does not love you back suggests success in life.


Dreaming of embracing one's wife is an inauspicious omen indicating separation. Quarreling with one's wife in a dream signifies a harmonious and happy marriage. A prisoner dreaming of quarreling with his wife suggests seeing her soon. Dreaming of being separated from one's wife signifies increased affection towards her. Finding a good-natured and noisy wife in a dream suggests a happy and comfortable life.


Dreaming of making a vow signifies misfortune from internal or external sources. Making a vow in a temple or religious sanctuary is a good omen indicating that one's wishes will be fulfilled. A woman dreaming of vowing to her husband suggests marital discord. A criminal dreaming of making a vow suggests committing another crime. Lovers dreaming of making vows before God suggest they will part ways and pursue separate futures.


A man dreaming of making indecent proposals to a woman he does not have a romantic or marital relationship with predicts gaining her love. A woman dreaming of making indecent proposals to a man she does not have a romantic or marital relationship with predicts declining health. Dreaming of proposing a business venture indicates a long-standing desire to enter into business but lacking the resolve to make a decision, seeking guidance from others to decide.


Dreaming of a graceful and beautiful maiden signifies auspiciousness. A girl dreaming of a maiden indicates difficulty in getting married. A married woman dreaming of a maiden signifies an inauspicious omen; her husband will refuse income sources.


Dreaming of kissing an unfamiliar person suggests falling into an enemy's trap. Kissing a foreigner in a dream suggests conquering enemies. Dreaming of kissing one's wife, children, or kissing them suggests not loving them. Kissing enemies in a dream suggests making peace with them. A young man dreaming of kissing his lover is auspicious and predicts soon becoming married.

Worldly Matters

A man dreaming of abandoning worldly matters predicts a happy married life. A woman dreaming of abandoning worldly life predicts happiness and prosperity. An unmarried man dreaming of abandoning worldly life predicts marrying a beautiful girl. An unmarried woman dreaming of abandoning worldly life predicts a blissful marriage. A prisoner dreaming of abandoning worldly life suggests an extended prison sentence. A sick person dreaming of abandoning worldly life predicts bedridden sickness and suffering. A businessman dreaming of abandoning worldly matters predicts financial success. A habitual offender dreaming of abandoning worldly life predicts imminent arrest. A king dreaming of abandoning worldly matters predicts an inauspicious omen; he will be forced to leave the throne, or the country will experience a revolt demanding his abdication. A monk dreaming of abandoning worldly life predicts a return to secular life and reunion with family.


Dreaming of very bright lightning suggests traveling abroad. Dreaming of distant thunder and lightning suggests suffering losses and misfortune. A student dreaming of thunder and lightning suggests auspiciousness and achieving excellent exam results. A girl dreaming of thunder and lightning suggests auspiciousness and marrying into a prestigious family. A male patient dreaming of thunder and lightning suggests recovering health. Dreaming of darkness after lightning suggests imminent disaster affecting the dreamer or those they protect. Dreaming of occasional lightning suggests unclear paths, navigating through challenges and misfortunes. Almost being struck by lightning in a dream suggests avoiding disaster. Dreaming of clear skies with thunder while going out suggests difficulties and obstacles.

Gentle Breeze

Dreaming of a gentle breeze predicts good fortune. Dreaming of foul winds predicts pain and misfortune. Breathing fragrant winds suggests safe and successful travel. A businessman dreaming of breathing fragrant winds predicts profitable business. Conversely, dreaming of breathing polluted air predicts major difficulties and suffering for the sick person.


A man dreaming of sunrise predicts good luck and a happy life. A woman dreaming of sunrise predicts giving birth to a boy who will grow up to be prominent. Dreaming of sunset predicts bad luck for men. A married woman dreaming of sunset predicts giving birth to a girl. An unmarried woman dreaming of sunset predicts marrying into a poor family. Dreaming of noon sun predicts promotion. A patient dreaming of noon sun predicts imminent recovery. A prisoner dreaming of noon sun predicts quick freedom. A financially destitute person dreaming of noon sun predicts unexpected financial gain. Dreaming of sudden clouds covering the sun predicts impending doom. Sunshine falling on one's bed in a dream predicts illness. Sunshine filling one's home predicts happiness and joy. Dreaming of scorching sun predicts eye problems. A businessman dreaming of intense sun predicts business losses. A traveler dreaming of intense sun predicts many difficulties and accidents on the journey. Sleeping under the scorching sun in a dream predicts getting into trouble but ultimately succeeding.


Dreaming of shining stars in the night predicts good fortune. A married woman dreaming of twinkling stars at night predicts a happy married life. An unmarried woman dreaming of bright stars in the night sky predicts having many supporters wherever she goes. A sick person dreaming of twinkling stars at night predicts speedy recovery. Dreaming of stars covered by dark clouds predicts illness. Dreaming of a shooting star predicts sickness or misfortune.


Dreaming of moonlit nights signifies pleasant times. A married woman dreaming of a moonless night wishes to love her husband but feels powerless. An unmarried man dreaming of a moonlit night predicts auspiciousness. Dreaming of the night passing quickly suggests physical strength and vitality. A patient dreaming of the night ending quickly predicts a swift recovery.


A married man dreaming of a rainbow predicts auspiciousness, a life filled with love and happiness. A married woman dreaming of a rainbow predicts long-term separation from her husband. An unmarried man dreaming of a rainbow predicts imminent marriage. An unmarried woman dreaming of a rainbow predicts marrying a smart, caring husband. A man deeply in love dreaming of a rainbow predicts auspiciousness and a happy relationship with his lover. Dreaming of a rainbow while away from home predicts a return home to reunite with wife and children. A sick person dreaming of a rainbow predicts a swift recovery. A prisoner dreaming of a rainbow predicts declining health and weight loss. A soldier dreaming of a rainbow predicts soon heading to the frontlines for intense combat. A farmer dreaming of a rainbow predicts a bountiful harvest. A businessman dreaming of a rainbow predicts inauspiciousness; business will suffer losses. A traveler dreaming of a rainbow predicts achieving their goals. A refugee dreaming of a rainbow predicts returning to their homeland soon. Dreaming of a half rainbow predicts imminent disaster.


Dreaming of a thunderstorm predicts career success. A married woman dreaming of a thunderstorm predicts greater love from her husband. An unmarried woman dreaming of heavy rain and thunder predicts marrying into a reputable family. A businessman dreaming of thunder predicts financial gain. A sick person dreaming of heavy rain and thunder predicts swift recovery. A prisoner dreaming of a thunderstorm predicts imminent release.

Cold Wind

Dreaming of chilling winds penetrating one's bones predicts good news soon. A married woman dreaming of chilly winds shivering from cold predicts a soon-to-be visit to her parents' home. Dreaming of moist winds predicts the arrival of an esteemed guest. A married woman dreaming of moist winds predicts pregnancy soon. Dreaming of hot gusts suggests falling ill.


Dreaming of an approaching storm predicts unexpected gains. A married woman dreaming of an approaching storm predicts prosperity and happiness, with increased income for her husband. An unmarried woman dreaming of a storm predicts choosing a wealthy person to marry. An unmarried man dreaming of a storm predicts marrying a girl from a well-off family, leading to prosperity. Dreaming of a storm predicts seeking ways to boost product sales and achieve financial success for a businessman. A sick person dreaming of a storm predicts rapid recovery. A traveler dreaming of a storm predicts a pleasant journey.


A man dreaming of a tornado predicts finding lost friends. A woman dreaming of a tornado predicts female guests visiting. A sick person dreaming of a tornado predicts worsening health. A prisoner dreaming of a tornado predicts soon meeting relatives. A businessman dreaming of a tornado predicts sudden setbacks in business. A traveler dreaming of a tornado predicts a safe return.


A man dreaming of snow predicts becoming wealthy. A woman dreaming of snow predicts all worries will disappear. A sick person dreaming of snow predicts a quick recovery. A businessman dreaming of snow predicts traveling to a distant country for business. Dreaming of snow in mountainous regions predicts moving away from home to live in a distant city.


Dreaming of heavy rain predicts obstacles in career. Dreaming of a storm with heavy rain predicts lucrative work. A woman dreaming of a storm with heavy rain predicts family difficulties. A man separated from his wife and lover dreaming of heavy rain predicts long-term separation from them. A farmer dreaming of heavy rain predicts a bountiful harvest. However, a businessman dreaming of rain predicts business losses. A sick person dreaming of rain predicts bedridden sickness. A traveler dreaming of rain predicts a pleasant journey.


Dreaming of clouds is a bad omen. If clouds are scattered by the wind and the sky clears, disasters will quickly disappear and not return. Seeing clouds near the sun is auspicious, suggesting that under the help of influential people, one can overcome difficulties. Dreaming of white clouds indicates a bountiful harvest for oneself and neighbors. Dreaming of dark clouds suggests an outbreak of infectious diseases in residential areas. Dreaming of colorful clouds predicts incidents of bloodshed among neighbors or invasion by enemies into the country. Flying in the clouds predicts becoming a leader in the community.

Full Moon

Dreaming of a full moon indicates wealth and having a noble son. If a man dreams of bright moonlight shining on the earth, it suggests financial troubles and accidents ahead. A pregnant woman dreaming of a full moon predicts the birth of a handsome boy. A sailor dreaming of a waning moon suggests impending misfortune and accidents during voyages. An unmarried man dreaming of a new moon predicts being abandoned by his lover due to mental distress and insomnia. A young girl dreaming of a half moon is an inauspicious sign. A patient dreaming of a full moon indicates a quick recovery.


Dreaming of a lunar eclipse predicts illness or death of close family members, especially female members. Dreaming of a solar eclipse suggests loss of vitality and financial setbacks. A woman dreaming of a lunar eclipse indicates the death of a married daughter. A woman dreaming of a solar eclipse suggests illness in her son or reduction in her husband's financial resources. Seeing an eclipse with cloudy skies and being in trouble suggests help from friends.


A basket in dreams can symbolize femininity. A basket filled with fruits or food symbolizes health, while an empty basket symbolizes emptiness.


Dreaming of getting angry with someone may lead to establishing friendship. If a friend gets angry with you in a dream, it suggests a rift between you. A young man dreaming of getting angry with his lover predicts an imminent marriage. A businessman dreaming of disliked customers suggests a continuous stream of customers and increased profits. Dreaming of being dissatisfied with elders predicts a worry-free and happy life. A prisoner dreaming of a judge getting furious during their trial suggests imminent release.


If a construction worker or plumber appears in a dream repairing your house, it indicates pointing out a problem in yourself or your life and suggesting how to resolve it. Similarly, a worker in sewage work also suggests dealing with emotional issues that need to be resolved.

Waking Up

Dreaming of waking up is a bad omen, predicting illness. A married woman dreaming of being awake predicts separation from her husband. A pregnant woman dreaming of being awake suggests problems with the embryo. Unmarried men and women dreaming of being awake suggest deepening love with their partners. A patient dreaming of being awake suggests an incurable illness. A businessman dreaming of not sleeping predicts business losses or closures and worries. A traveler dreaming of being awake predicts a robbery during the journey. Dreaming of others being awake is auspicious, suggesting help when needed. Dreaming of a wife or lover being awake predicts receiving their love.

Young People

Dreaming of younger people of the same gender symbolizes innocence and purity that have not been tainted by ambition or inappropriate pursuits. It may suggest restoring vitality or making a creative change in your personality or life.


Dreaming of long hair predicts illness and poverty. Dreaming of others growing long hair suggests weariness of worldly life and leaving home for ascetic practices. Dreaming of growing gray hair predicts sadness and sorrow. Combing hair suggests a happy and comfortable life. Short hair predicts short-term misfortune. A woman dreaming of long hair predicts lasting marital harmony and happiness. Dreaming of losing or cutting hair predicts widowhood. Being dragged away by hair predicts death or separation from a husband due to misfortune.


Dreaming of voting for others predicts misfortune. A woman dreaming of voting for others predicts marital discord. Dreaming of others voting for oneself suggests great influence and fame being tarnished. A businessman dreaming of others voting for oneself predicts driving away competitors and making a fortune. Dreaming of voters voting predicts additional expenses. Dreaming of someone opposing oneself during a meeting suggests humiliation.


Sometimes symbolic, a woman dreaming of a man wielding a weapon may represent the man's sexual desire towards her. For men, dreaming of weapons sometimes represents aggression or anger, but often reflects inner conflicts and emotional issues.


Money in dreams sometimes represents itself or its value. For example, dreaming of finding a large sum of money predicts temporary happiness, but waking up with disappointment. Dreaming of losing a wallet but finding it intact predicts financial security but needs to be cautious of losing money. Money can also represent value and desires.


Symbolizing despair, dreaming of the underworld suggests seeking counseling to relieve psychological stress. Sometimes, dreaming of the underworld can symbolize a necessary transformation or shedding of old selves for personal growth.


Walking into the wilderness or bushes in dreams suggests leaving behind current mindset or life and entering a state where anything is possible. It may suggest entering a new developmental stage in life. A desolate wilderness suggests emotional loneliness.


Symbolizing punishment, dreaming of beheading suggests improving negative patterns in life. It may indicate a need to give more space to intuition rather than being overly rational.


Dreaming of being blind suggests not understanding a part of oneself or being unaware of something internally. It may suggest confusion or helplessness, urging you to challenge yourself and take responsibility in life.


Dreaming of two paths often relates to choices. A dream of two paths might reflect a real-life decision. Analyzing the dream, each path symbolizes different opportunities and directions.


Dreaming of a baby, especially for a non-pregnant woman, may reflect subconscious desires for motherhood or represent vulnerability and a yearning for love. It symbolizes purity, innocence, and true self.

Getting Hit

Dreaming of being hit predicts wealth. Dreaming of strangers being hit predicts difficulties. Dreaming of a family member being hit predicts an increase in family members. Dreaming of hitting animals predicts fortune. A prisoner dreaming of being hit predicts imminent release.


Dreaming of traveling alone predicts happiness in old age. A woman dreaming of traveling alone predicts loss of reputation. Traveling with a wife predicts a happy and harmonious marriage. Traveling with friends predicts respect and admiration. A patient dreaming of traveling alone predicts long-term bed rest. A soldier dreaming of traveling predicts military service and honors. An elderly man dreaming of traveling predicts death. Dreaming of travelers predicts business bankruptcy. Conversing with a traveler predicts good news. Making friends with a traveler predicts financial losses but avoids disasters.

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Dream Interpretation and Symbols: Understanding Mouth, Nose, Hands, and More (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.