The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

EIGHT THE EVENING TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1965 Sayre, Athens, South Waverly, and Waverly, N.Y, Nora B. Kunkle Dies Following Extended Illness Mrs. Nora B. Kunkle, 79, of Waverly RD 1 died this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert C.

Kraft, following an extended illness. Born at Mountaintop Nov. 19, 1885, the daughter of the late George and Alice Bush Hilbert, she was a graduate of the Hazleton State Hospital School of Nursing and at the time of her retirement she was assistant superintendent of nurses. Mrs. Kunkle was a member of the Methodist Church at Mountaintop.

Surviving besides her daughter, with whom she resided, are a granddaughter, Miss Susan Kraft at home; a niece, Mrs. H. D. Kindle of Pittsburgh. Friends may call at the Luckner Funeral Home, 449 Park Waverly, Saturday from 2 to 4 and 7 until 9 o'clock.

Funeral services will be held at the funeral home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. William Wells, pastor oat North Waverly Chapel, will officiate. Burial will be in Laurel Cemetery, White Haven, Pa. Charles Cermak Dies Following Two- Year Illness Charles L.

Cermak, 67, of 481 Waverly Waverly, died at his home last evening following a two year illness. Born in Cleveland, May 14, 1897, the son of Voclava and Veronica Sochorona Cermak, he had been employed as a millwright for 17 years for the Ohio Rubber Co. before moving to Waverly in 1950. He married the former Stella Suthard of Rome Township, Pa, at Cleveland on June 17, 1922. Since he had resided in Waverly he had been employed by Harry Henson and most recently by the Waverly Central School System, Mr.

Cermak was a veteran of World War I. Surviving are his wife, a stepson, Charles E. Frederick, of Lockwood; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Mabel DeSano of Cleveland; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Kolka, Mrs.

Emma Fischer and Mrs. Rose Kumhall, all of Cleveland; three grandchildren and nine great grandchildren, Friends may call at the Russell Funeral Home, 462 Fulton Waverly Saturday from 2 to 4 and 7 until 9 o'clock. Funeral and committal services will be conducted at the funeral home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Robert Grover, pastor of the Waverly Methodist Church, will officiate.

Burial will be at a later date in Glenwood Memorial Park Cemetery, Waverly. Datebook SAYRE POST 283 American Legion meeting scheduled for Jan. 20 has been cancelled due to the Sprotsmen banquet being held the same night. WAVERLY JUNIOR Miss 4-H Club will meet Saturday at the home of Mrs. Lewis Clark, to start their sewing projects.

All new members are asked to bring sewing equipment and material for an apron. MONACA COUNCIL 160 Degree of Pocahontas meets Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Carl Hall. Egg Quotations NEW YORK (AP) USDA Wholesale egg offerings more than ample. Demand light today.

Whites: Extra fancy heavy weight 29-31; fancy medium 25-26 1-2; fancy heavy weight 27 1-2-29 1-2; medium 25-26; smalls 23-24; peewees 19 1-2- 20 1-2. Browns: Extra fancy heavy weight 31-33; fancy medium 26-27 1-2; fancy heavy weight 29 1-2-31; smalls 24-25; peewees 19 1-2-20 1-2. Valley Folks You Know Athens Miss Clara Doty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doty of 205 Center is a patient at the Robert Packer Hospital where she will undergo surgery: Sayre Paul Jennings of 120 North Elmer Ave.

is a patient in the Tioga General Hospital. Jeannette (Continued from Page 1) an operation for abdominal adhesions at UCLA Medical Center. She arrived in Houston by commercial airliner Tuesday and was rushed to Methodist Hospital by ambulance. Because of her weakened condition, open-heart surgery was postponed, a Hollywood spokesman said. She was being fed intravenously when she died.

Nelson Eddy, Miss McDonald's partner in a series of melodic films from "Naughty (1935) to "I Married an (1942), deepsaid he was "shocked and deeply distressed" to learn of her death. Eddy once scotched the rumor that the Mac team was as chilly in real life as another musical partnership, Gilbert and Sullivan. "There never was a feud," he declared. Miss MacDonald's career also paired with other top stars Clark Gable in "San Francisco," Maurice Chevalier in "Love Me Tonight," and "The Merry Widow," Allan Jones in 1 "The Firefly" and Lew Ayres in "Broadway Serenade." She was born in Philadelphia, She began singing and dancing at an early age, and first found success as dancer. While appearing in Broadway revues she continued vocal lessons and reached stardom as a singer.

When sound came in, movie studios were seeking musical talent, and Miss MacDonald was signed by Paramount for an early talkie opposite Chevalier in "'The Love Parade." She achieved her greatest fame when Louis B. Mayer signed her to an MGM contract and later teamed her with a little-known opera baritone, Nelson Eddy. From the moment of their lyric duet of "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life" in "Naughty Marietta," the team was an international sensation. Right-to-Work (Continued from Page 1) cut the standard work week from 40 to 32 hours over two years. He said he expects to get these as well as all other labor bills before the House by March 1.

In pledging fast action on repeal of 14B, Powell warned that in return he expected organized labor to wipe out all vestiges of discrimination in union apprenticeship and training programs. Athens Town (Continued from Page 1) started, but it appeared that it may have gotten its start in the kichen area. The entire back portion of the home was completely burned off, leaving the kitchen sink, stove and other articles plainly visible. The fire burned up to the second story in the rear, and then spread to the other parts in a short time. All that remained standing this afternoon is the shell of the home.

The inside was completely burned out. No estimate of the damage, or if it was covered by insurance, was available, pending a further check by fire officials with the owners later today. Traffic in both directions on Riverside Drive was halted during the fire, and as soon as firemen had secured their equipment a truck cindered the highway in front of the burned out building before traffic was allowed to proceed. Save With Gas House Heating Combined With Gas Water Heating VALLEY DAIRY CREAMERY STORE CI PT New Dairy Store in Waverly Prominent Valley persons attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Valley Creamery's retail dairy store this morning were left to right, Harold Hewett, acting president of the Waverly Chamber of Commerce; Chief of Police Ray Eldred of Sayre, Mayor Shubal Bowman of Athens; David Goldman, treasurer of Creamery Company; Mayor George McNaney of Waverly; Myrton Carr, president of the Valley Chamber of Commerce; Sanford Boice, representing the Waverly Chamber. Evening Times Photo Towanda Memorial Place Born to Harry, Jr.

and Bonnie Shaffer Place of RD 1 Towanda, a son, yesterday. Arcesi Born to Robert and Sylvia Foot Arcesi of 11 Second Towanda, a daughter, yesterday. Tioga General Champlin Births Born to Robert and Audrey Conklin Champlin of Newark Valley, N.Y., RD 1, a daughter this morning. Johnson Asks (Continued from Page 1) Director William C. Foster said the legislation will be required to keep the agency operating because the present authorization does not provide adequate funds beyond the end of the present fiscal year, June 30.

"Attempts directed toward arms control and other measures to lessen the threat of war are no longer Utopian dreams," Foster said. He added: "'The work of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency has become an integral part of our over-all national security policy. Armaments alone can no longer increase security; the unchecked -increase of these weapons of mass destruction can only diminish our safety in the hope for peace." Johnson noted that four years ago the United States became the first nation in the world to establish such an agency. He said it had a good record of achievement, citing the conclusion in 1963 of the limited nuclear test-ban treaty by the United States, Soviet Union and Britain. The treaty, which bans all but underground tests, now has been signed by a total of 107 nations.

France and Red China have not signed. They are the only nations in addition to the United States, Soviet Union and Britain who have nuclear weapons or are building them. Furthermore, Johnson said, the United States has established a direct communications link between Washington and Moscow popularly known as the Hot Line has joined in U.N. resolution against introducing weapons in outer space, and has "initiated cutbacks in the planned production of fissionable material." In addition, the President said, the United States has put before the Geneva disarmament conference now temporarily in recess "a number of important, concrete proposals for the control and reduction of armaments on which agreement has not yet been achieved." Foster listed major pending proposals as being designed to freeze production of strategic nuclear delivery vehicles such as rockets, to halt production of fissionable nuclear materials for weapons use, to reduce the danger of surprise attack or way by miscalculation by setting up observation posts over the world, and to prevent non-nuclear countries from obtaining nuclear weapons. Officials said the four-year $55-million authorization which the President asked for the disarmament agency was mainly required to finance research projects.

It is expected that the President will ask an appropriation of $10 million to $11 million to finance the disarmament agency for the next fiscal year. State Finds (Continued from Page 1) after a number of the project, assigned by the department, is reached in its order. The number in this case would not be "eached for some time, the department said. Reimbursem*nt is made from state funds when the number, is reached, regardless of the status of construction at that time, according to the department. December Milk Price Is $4.49 NEW YORK (AP) Dairy farmers in the New York-New Jersey milkshed will receive a uniform price of $4.49 per hundredweight (46.5 quarts) for milk delivered to pool handlers in December.

The producer butterfat differential for December is 5.8 cents for each tenth of a pound of fat above or below the 3.5 per cent standard. The figures were announced Thursday night by A. J. Pollard, acting market administrator. The uniform price in November was $4.64.

It was $4.52 in Decembtr, 1963. Pierre the Seal Becomes Mother NEW YORK (AP) Pierre is a gray seal. She has just become a mother at the Coney Island Aquarium. Result: Pierre's name is being changed to Michele. "We had thought Pierre was male." said Dr.

Carlton Ray, associate curator, "But obviously we were wrong." And the 35-pound baby born Wednesday also needs a name. One tankman suggested "Oops." Mental (Continued from Page 1) for such an emergency. The complex houses about 2,600 patients and covers almost nine city blocks. Assistant Fire Chief Robert Olsen said the fire was so hot that it held the firemen back for a few ments, despite their masks and protective fire suits. But orice they caught up with the blaze in the hallway, they put it out almost immediately.

One fireman suffered a minor case of smoke inhalation. The dead were identified as Miss Brenda Robinson, 19, and Mrs. Ruth Lucks, 62. Both apparently were victims of smoke inhalation, authorities said. After the fire was out, most of the patients returned to wards in the wing that were not damaged.

Others were housed in the gym, cafeteria, canteens and corridors with cots and blankets supplied by the Red Cross. About 150 student nurses in training at the hospital had staged a practice fire drill in the building only hours before the blaze broke out. Rates and Information WANT AD PHONE 883-9241 WANT AD DEPT. OPEN Monday thru Friday 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Close Saturday at Noon Credit for typographical errors will be allowed only when error reported before the second Insertion of advertisem*nt. Cash rates are allowed when ad is paid for within seven days counting the last day of insertion as the first day. All local want ads appear at the rates scheduled below: Cash Charge day per word 6c 12c per word 10c 20c 6 days per word 15c 30c 12 WORD MINIMUM All advertisem*nts appearing under the classification of In Memoiarm, Lost-Found, Transportation, Baby Sitting, Situations Wanted or Wanted To Rent must be paid in advance. Classified Deadline A.M. Other days 10 A.M.

Classified Display Deadline 5:00 P.M. day before All want ads received day of publication are taken subject to the ability of our mechanical department to handle them. To be sure, get your copy in the day before you want it to appear. BOX NUMBERS There is an additional charge of 25c for the use of Evening Times called for at our Publication Office. Numbers and de may, be A charge of 10c will be made for replies mailed to the advertiser.

The right is reserved to vise or reject objectionable advertisem*nts. Crash Fatal to Girl SLINGERLANDS, N.Y. (AP) Gloria J. Casey, 19, of nearby Elmsmere was killed early today when her automobile left New Scotland Road and struck a tree near this Albany suburb. Classification Announcements Card of Thanks In Memoriam Lost Found Transportation Personals Auctions Automotive Accessories, Parts, Tires Automobiles for Sale Auto, Repairing Painting Trucks Trailers House Trailers Motorcycles Bicycles Wanted Automotive Service Stations Aviation Employment Female Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male or Female Help Wanted Situations Wanted Instruction Financial Wanted Loans Money to Loan Business Opportunities Farm Garden Feed, Supply, Equipment Livestock Horses, Cattle, Pigs Pets Poultry, Eggs Wanted Livestock Merchandise Articles for Sale Boats, Marine Supplies Wanted Merchandise Real Estate for Sale Business Properties Cottages for Sale Farms for Sale Houses for Sale Lots for Sale Wanted Real Estate Real Estate for Rent Apartments, Rooms Business Places Cottages Farms Houses Wanted to Rent Service Directory Special Services Baby Sitters Barbers Beauty Shops Dry Cleaning Carpentry, Contracting and sonry, etc.

Electrical appliances, refrigeralion and repairs Insurance Agencies Laundering Papering and Painting Plumbing Heating Trucking Shoe Repairing QUICKIES By Ken Reynolds T. M. Beg. V. 3.

Pat. eff. 1-9 pose that plumber in the Times Want Ads could fix the bathroom shower I fixed?" LEGAL NOTICE ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Letters of Administration on the estate of Jessie Carrington, deceased, who died on June 22, 1964, late of the Borough of Athens, County of Bradford and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having been granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and all persons having claims against it must present settlement. them duly authenticated for Iva Dull, Administratrix R.D. No.

4, Wyalusing, Pa. C. O'Connor Edward, DeSisti Attorneys at Law 110 N. Elmer Avenue, Sayre, Pa. January 8, 15, 22, 1965 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Letters of Administration on the estate of John E.

Walsh, deceased, who died cn September 27, 1964, late of the Borough of South Waverly, County of Bradford and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having been granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and all persons having claims against it must present them duly authenticated for settlement. Anna Lusk, Administratrix 347 Harrison Avenue Massapeaqua, L. N. Y. Edward, C.

DeSisti O'Connor Attorneys at Law 110 N. Elmer Sayre, Pa. January 8, 15, 22, 1965 Announcements DONALD DAVIS, D.C. Chiropractor 565-2731 PLAYING Cards, Bridge and Pinochle, Score Pads and Tallies, at BOYLE'S BOOK STORE STOP in and see the new Ideals Greeting Booklets for Valentine and the eight new every day remembrances. MEAD'S NEWS, 423 S.

Main Street, Athens. WEDDING Invitations. Complete line, including napkins; prompt service. Regular business hours plus evenings by appointment. Stylecraft Stationers, 119 Stedman, Sayre.

Steel Contract Extension Barred By Union Group CHICAGO (AP) The wage-policy committee of the United Steelworkers Union has unanimously approved a report against extending the May 1 deadline for reaching contract agreements with the nation's steel producers. The union had been asked by the steel companies to extend the deadline of the current contracts because negotiations had been interrupted by the USW's campaign for election of a president. However, the 170-man wage policy committee Thursday rejected the request. David J. McDonald, USW president, is opposed by I.

W. Abel, union secretary, in the Feb. 9 balloting. Negotiations in Pittsburgh were recessed last week until after the election. In Pittsburgh, R.

Conrad Cooper, vice president of U. S. Steel Corp. and the chief management negotiator, said "we regret that the steel workers' union rejected our proposal to amend the termination provision of the current labor agreement." Sharp Earnings (Continued from Page 1) ed four companies with aggregate sales in excess of $60 million. They include Pendleton Tool Industries, manufacturer of mechanics hand service tools that have wide application in the automotive industry; LeeNorse Company, manufacturer of continuous coal mining machines and other underground mining equipment; Improved Machinery, a leading maker of process equipment for the pulp and paper and plastics industries, and Southwest Industries, a builder of packaged compressor and pump systems for petroleum, chemical and other industries.

These and previous over the past four years have involved an exchange of Ingersollstock for outstanding shares of the acquired companies, according to Mr. Johnson. 'However, it should be emphasized that our acquisition program has not only increased total company earnings, but has also enhanced per share earnings." further Ingersoll-Rand "looks forward to satisfactory gains in 1965," according to Mr. Johnson. He said he expects sales to continue to grow at a rate "somewhat in excess of the general rise in capital spending in 1965." Commenting on the outlook for machinery manufacturers.

Mr. Johnson said, "Two factors indicate a continued high level of capital investment throughout the world. "First, industry is using labor-aiding machinery increasingly to support higher wage costs while achieving selling prices attractive to customers. In fact, machinery of this type is a better investment for the customer today than it has been at any time during the past 40 years. "Second, financial resources to support large capital commitments are generally available in the United States, cash flow has been stimulated not only by a higher level of profits among prospective customers for machinery, but it also by the investment credit on capital expenditures, liberalized depreciation schedules and reductions in the corporate tax rate.

The result is that industry is in a much better position to improve production facilities." "We believe these favorable circ*mstances offer an opportunity for the machinery manufacturer to smooth the cyclical fluctuations that in the past have been associated with the machinery industry." First Job (Continued from Page 1) applications in the last six weeks. Most of the applicants, she said, are high school dropouts who see the Job Corps as a way of correcting a mistake. The corps is open to youngsters co between 16 and 21 who are out of school and can't find a job. The corps houses, clothes and feeds them and gives them $30 a month spending money during the training period which may last a year. An additional $50 a month is put aside for the corpsmen to be paid when training is finished.

Mrs. Pines said preliminary plans called for the corpsmen to be trained in conservation, forestry and carpentry. Churchill (Continued from Page 1) mous V-for-victory sign to well-wishers congregated outside. On his last birthday, Lady Churchill, Sir Winston's Darling Clementine, held her husband's arm as he moved slowly to the window, He looked extremely pale. After he slowly made his sign with the first two fingers of his right hand, Sir Winston was gently led away by his wife.

Lady Churchill will be 80 in April. Sir Winston, over the years, has recovered from many illnesses and a fall in which he broke his hip. Londoners have come to know him as Indestructible Churchill. Since his retirement from the House of Commons last July, Sir Winston has been out of the public eye. His appearance at his window on his birthday is the only time Londoners have seen him for months.

Friends said that of late he often has complained of being cold. Increasingly poor circulation is said to be responsible. A source close to the Churchills said that he has, of late, been taking one or more hot baths daily as a means of improving his circulation. Three weeks before Sir Winston's 90th birthday he attended a dinner at the Savoy Hotel of a club he founded in 1911 called "The Other Club." He had to be helped in and out of his car and assisted to and from the private dining, room in which the dinner was Two Lose Lives In Hotel Blaze OMAHA, Neb. (AP) Fire which suddenly engulfed a first-floor tap room took the lives of two persons and injured eight in a downtown Omaha hotel early today.

The smell of smoke and an alert night clerk probably prevented more casualties. Ed Ivey, 50, the night clerk in the Eagle Hotel, smelled smoke about 4 a. m. He alerted the 50 guests of the 68-room hotel who fled into 15-degree cold. The deaths of Frederick Robidiou and Joseph Koksol were attributed to smoke inhalation.

Senate (Continued from Page 1) quested by Johnson and accepted after it became known that Jenkins had been arrested twice on morals charges. The Rules Committee plans to resume its questioning of witnesses in the Baker case in about 10 days. Baker, a former secretary to the Senate Democrats, became a millionaire while on the government pay roll. The committee has been poking into his affairs for any evidence that he used his job to promote his private business venture. NOTICE We still have some copies of the Kennedy book The Torch is Passed AVAILABLE THE EVENING TIMES At the Sayre Office.

Lost and Found LOST--large gray male cat with white goatee, wearing red plaid collar. Reward. Call 883-7532. LOST- -small, brown, black and white mongrel hunting dog, vicinity Edgcomb Dean Creek Road, Bradford County License No. 5926.

Reward. 882- 9381. Personals A A Call Sayre 883-8172. Write P. O.

Box No. 335, Sayre, Pa. Auctions AUCTION DAIRY AUCTION Located at the North Can Route 17, Chemung, N. Y. MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1965-1 P.M.

Sharp! (Selling Under Heated Tent). 33 -HOLSTEIN COWS-33. 12 Registered Canadian Cows--All hand picked from Top Canadian Dairies--Mostly second calf heifers All just fresh or handling heavy. Eligible Interstate, 21 Choice Northern New York Cows--Hand picked, mostly young Just fresh or springing heavy- open heifers. All these cows show top milk quality, perfect udders and good condition.

Good cows are becoming scarce. Buy your replacements now from us. All Vet inspected and shot for shipping fever. Your inspection invited this weekend prior to the sale. NORTH CAN DAIRY Owner, Chemung, N.

YOUNG AND WEST, Auctioneers and Sales Managers, Horseheads, N. Y. BILL WAGNER, Auctioneer, Elizabethtown, Pa. P.S. Will take your beef cows in trade and Finance approved farmers.

Convert your property Into cash A few articles or all you own Q. R. CHAFFEE SON AUCTIONEERS Phone 265-5085 Towanda, Pa. Automotive Automobiles for Sale Always Better Buy At: CANNAVINO'S 517 S. Keystone Avenue 883-7842 Buy your used car from ACKLEY BUICK, ATHENS DON MERRILL MOTORS Chemung Street, Waverly Any kind of new or used cars KOHLER PONTIAC CO.

Wide Track Headquarters OK USED CARS Many Makes and Models To Choose From HENCH CHEVROLET, Inc. 313 N. Elmer Sayre 882-3401 PENN YORK DODGE 884-3345 or 885-0295 WALKER MOTOR SALES A-1 USED CARS 161 BROAD STREET, WAVERLY "After We Sell-We Serve" WIDE selection of. most makes and models. It pays shop at FRALEY'S, Athens.

1962 FORD Galaxie. Automatic transmis. sion, power steering, power brakes. cently repainted. 565-4370.

1959 FORD Station Wagon. For quick sale, $495. 208 Center Street, Athens. 1959 RAMBLER Rebel 4 Door. A good solid car.

Has to be seen to be a preciated. First $495 cash takes it. 882-4453. 1958 FORD 6 cylinder. Standard transmission, radio and heater, new winter tread on back.

Inspected. 1957 DeSoto in good conditton. Smithy's Garage. 882-6723. Auto, Repairing Painting AAA- New and Used RADIATORS CLEANED AND REPAIRESO KIRK'S GARAGE Chemung, N.

Y. Phone 2361 LOUIE'S BODY SHOP will have a SPECIAL during December and January for paint job and rust damage. See Lou today for free estimates. 565-4007 or 565-4462 ONLY 13 DAYS LEFT for State Inspection. For prompt efficient service bring your car to CARPENTER MOTORS.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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